Programmers are a unique breed. We're not just following orders and churning out code. We're creative problem-solvers who build the digital world around us.
Ever wondered why that app works so flawlessly or that website is so intuitive? That's the handiwork of programmers.
As programmers/coders we tend to take complex challenges and break them down into elegant solutions.
Sure, code is our language, but our minds are constantly buzzing with ideas. We might even catch ourselves thinking about code in the shower! Or even catch thinking about code even when watching a movie. The desire to learn and improve is ingrained in us. New technologies are like shiny objects to us, and we can't wait to tinker and see what they can do.
But here's the thing: being a programmer isn't about burying yourself in code 24/7. It's about finding a great place to bury yourself within the code It's about burying yourself with what you love.
While some might assume we only talk about code, it's because we're passionate! We want to share our knowledge and the excitement of building something cool.
Think of us... as artists. We craft functional masterpieces with lines of code. We take pride in making things not just work, but create bugs beautifully.
You may think I am romanticizing the term programmer. well actually, Programming is not like any other job. It is different I mean It is different.
I mostly hang around with people who does not have a programming background.
I note some strange things with them and our work life as a programmer.
There is a huge issue in the programming field.
the programming field is inflated to the curve than any other fields.
Does that mean programmers are earning more than their worth. NO, not actually there are programmers which do not see programming as a job. They see programming as fun. But they do take coding their career. So WHAT.
We as programmers have an innate problem within ourselves.
Working and thinking about code all the time.
Have you ever had shower thoughts about your code. or the error you need to fix by the end of day. The coding side got into your social life so well, that you cannot say it's not.
I have a friend who is studying commerce and I speak about how I solved all this coding problems in leetcode or how I manage to fix a bug in production and I do talked about my cloud bills too. He also knows the new shiny thing that came around in js ecosystem. All because of me.
I also had convos with my friends, where I say about my neovim config and tmux. and why ARCH LINUX is tippy-top of all distros.
How well I manage my productivity with my configs and how each of those scripts integrates with my workflow. And how well arch linux is constructed and the philosophy of unix. All of these things. I know for sure, that he doesn't understand a single word am talking about linux. In fact, he doesn't even have a computer, when I come to think of it.
But, you get the point right..!
All I talk about is programming:
I have less friends because whatever comes to my mind is about programming why is that should be like that. Does that mean I do not have a life.
You should be heard that experienced people and seniors saying code code code, code-more and think about code all the time.
code more and more code
do side projects,
more side projects, and a good side project
solve problems, think like a compiler, leetcode
grind leetcode etc etc., All the time.
grind leetcode. Do mock interviews do side projects in your free time. build stuffs with programming. Build the stuffs you wish you had.
Why is it always should be about programming.
For a person working as a doctor, he doesn't go around giving injections/medications to people for hobby or he doesn't do operations as a side project. This may not be an apt example. But bear with me.
Most of programmers have programming as their hobby, as their work, as their life and maybe who knows as their wife too, no sorry as their enjoyment too. they do only one thing and that is code. either they are in a party or they are in their basement all they think is about programming. Invest more time put more time in your craft why does it need to be like that.
Why does it always need to be about Code..?
Since Mechanical or Electrical Engineers or any sort of engineering rather than software. They work for 8-10 hours per day and they don't even think of their work after that period of time. They have their anxiety too low compared to programmers.
Take hard workers such as cleaners, gardeners, carpenters etc., these jobs don't require too much skills and they don't grind like a leetcoder. Comparing to these people we as programmers tend to work more, think more, and do less but why is that should be like that. We too humans right.
Why we need to think of programming all the time and learn new technologies and go deepen our knowledge. why is that.
I repeat.
Programmers are not workhorses.
Think of a man who works in the KFC or McDonald he tend to earn less than a average programmer. But he tend to do more physical work than a programmer.
We programmers are artists. We create art. we live with the computer. Which have delicate parts and mechanical keyboards which has delicacy sounding keys. which is in no comparison with the carpenter or a mechanic using their tools. they tend to do a lot of physical work compared to us.
The more delicate the work, the greater the requirement for creativity and artistry. As a programmer, I consider myself an artist, meticulously crafting solutions with the precision and finesse akin to that of a painter with their brush.
that's why I tend to go around with arch linux and neovim spending my life configuring it.
Where each of my keystrokes are intended to do great things and each of them have such a delicacy improving my productivity in programming.
These thoughts came into my mind, When I was sitting in my class bored and heard someone say put your life into programming... I asked why. but he didn't have an answer neither do I. But now I had found the answer that putting your life into the programming is worth more than you think. because you are not spending your life doing dumb chores. You are not replaceable. you are an artist creating an art. An art that makes people life easier. and productive.
Human life span is limited we didn't have endless amount of years to live we live only for a short time. The amount of things we accomplish is fully dependent on the scale of how productive we are.
So, bupd at the eod what are you trying to say are you trying to say that programmers need to devote their lives for programming no it's not what i mean. Its absolutely against my point.
So What I mean:
If you are enthusiastic enough and if the programming is the right thing for you. You tend to go over the large problems and you may try to create all of it by yourself. "YOU will enjoy more than you think by reinventing the wheel rather than creating a crud app".
Thanks have a great day.